Saturday, February 19, 2005


I neeed to get my Eagle scout NOW! I can't stand scouts anymore!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Commotion tonight!

Tired as a mother after giving birth right now. We learned a real fun lift today and I turned out to do them pretty well. I can't wait till show choir competition begins. I hope we do well!

This last weekend was the last speech meet of this season. nobody went on to state. I guess this year was really strange for the speech team. Next season is already in my mind. I cannot wait till I get another chance to start anew. I've gotta brainstorm for my OC now! Got any ideas let me know.

other than that nothing but the usual trial and tibulations that is my life. I'll post a more thorough overview later. for now i'm done for tonight. Love ya all...g'night.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

well well well.

Good Job LBC. I can't find your IP. Whoever commented on my blog made one good decision and that was that whoever LBC is they have never posted before on my site. Since I can't find yo via IP It's just gonna have to be a game of hide and go seek.

OKay here goes. nobody and I mean nobody PHUCKS with The Griffin!

So for everyone out there outta the loop (which is everyone) I've been encroached on. Today I went over to Chad O'brien's house to watch ray and when I left I got in my car. I began driving away and when I went to go look in my side mirror I noticed some writing. specificalyy three letters. LBC. So I pulled over to the side of the road got out and looked at it closer...hmm that's odd. it's lipstick. I call chad up. Hey chad ....(I tell him story as thus far) you know anything about this or what the deal with LBC is? Chad: no. oh hey is there white shit on the back of your car? Joe's internal thoughts: what the fuck? So I walk to the back and notice LBC written again only this time in like white sauce. It smelled like ice cream. and on the sides of my car in the shape of a heart was more icecream sauce. So now I'm pretty damned scared. I head off and call up Katie thinking they're still at te Hoch's. they aren't they're at Kyle's. So I head over there and show them the damage and at this point I'm done. I just need to figure out who this is.

I'd also like to point out a few flaws to those who have done this little job:

1.The hit I admit was original wasn't that big of one. left initials that may help us figure you out left a friggin comment on my blog....That pretty much narrows it dow alot. may have a name as a disguise but I've got your IP from Haloscan comment providers and all I have to do know is match up your IP with one you've used before. You can change your name but you can't change your IP.

Oh you've started it LBC. I'll make sure to finish it...just you wait.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

So here it is people. Speech is done for me. i've already got Ideas for next years OC though. I can't wait. I also want to search and find my Hda for next year.

Oh by the way...yeah so I kinda ran into a problem with my camera and it doesn't work anymore so don't expect photos for awhile. I need to get a new camera and I am definately broke.

I apologize for not updating recently. I've ebeen very preoccupied. But I'm getting better with my routine now. I'm not pulling all nighters anymore. I've actually felt really well lately. I've been just chugging away at my extracurriculars and school doesn't seem a burden at all. I guess with speech being over and al,l all the stress of that is lifted from me. As much as I love speech I know that half way through next years season I'll dread it to a degree. and then notice how much I'll miss it yet be thankful i did it once I move on the the real world.

I'm Directing for Limelight now and anytime i get to work alongside Brian and crew I'm in heaven. It's just a little show but I'm having fun actually brainstorming ideas and having a say in what goes on stage for the whole cast that has to perform the show in the end. i'll be posting more info on that at a later date.