Thursday, December 30, 2004

Under construction
Sorry all you faithful readers but since everybody is outta town I'm gonna be doing a total renovation of my site. Wait for some cool things to come.

Monday, December 27, 2004


I got the new camera! I'll update later today for now i'm getting some sleep. Expect photos!

Friday, December 24, 2004

MERRY CHRISTMAS!...or whatever you do.

So I forgot to keep counting the days down who gives a shit? All that matters now is that tomorrow is Christmas. . . and whether you're waiting to get that crazy cool new snowboard or video game or pair of underwear...or if you're just into the whole christ being born. . . ::cough, cough, Sarah Weir, Cough:: . . .then I wish everyone a Merry Christmas...for all you Jews out there...just enjoy the break and knowing that if you have to go out on the roads tomorrow you won't have to worry about all the traffic. Most of all I just want everyone to smile tomorrow. It's a day for whatever reason for everyone to stop think and smile. For family, friendship, gifts, and a life that never labels itself as normal or boring. I love you all regardless of race, sexual preference, religion. Merry-whatever-the-fuck tomorrow is for you!

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

I feel like playing video games all of a sudden...yep I can already tell I'm gonna waste this break away on stupid things like that...well here I go. Somebody ask me on a date please...I need to find reasons to ge out of the house or I'll waste away.


Ha! Schools out for the X-mas break. It must be akward for the jews because their holiday is over and yet they still have this break here kinda strange feeling. Stupid Jews.

OMfreakingG, I saw every college student that has gone to ohs in the last three years today that I know. It's nice...very nostalgic.

Well help me count the days down to christ's fucking day why don't ya?

DAYS LEFT: 4 Phucking Days!

Monday, December 20, 2004

Women from the the late 1920's up to the 1940's are SO PHUCKING HOT. I want to travel back into time and find a girl from that timeline and express my deep love for her. The short hair and spunky attitude of women from then makes me wish I were born then. Flappers were amazing. Their views and attitude towards life was It's rare to come around women like that nowadays. If I come across one such woman I will try hard to restrain my sexual tensions. But this post is mostly to get the fact out that Joe Griffin gets titilated when he see's an oldfashioned short haired spunky yet very ladylike female. Thank you and goodnight.

Sunday, December 19, 2004


Yep those four letters do alot to explain my feeling right now. I had a hell of a day today. Speech was quite the adventure. I'll post the brief story of my speech experience at OEHS. For now, I'm looking at the clock and it says 1:47 and my bed seems a good place to be spending my 1:47 at.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Oh my God!

I am not ready for this speech meet!!!!!!

I've been studying my OC all night and I feel like I'm gonna totally suck. I'm so embarrassed. I just want to stay home. I need more time. I've never felt this way, ever. I have never been put in this situation and it totally sucks. AH! I just want to scream! I just want to stay in the comfort of my house and not make a fool of myself. I look at my compitition and I cringe to think that I have to now perform in front of them and make a fucking fool of myself. DAMNETTE! I hate this feeling so much. If there is a god out there I ask that he have mercy on me. Tomorrow I let everyone down...but nobody will probably read this till after tomorrows meet since every other sane speech team kid is in bed sleeping...SHIT!


Holy Shiza! I'm still working on my OC the night before the speech meet I have to perform it on. I feel so unprepared. I'm so psyched though. I love the sense of excitement that last second writing and memorizing brings. I Skipped school today so I could sleep in and write some more before my coachings tonight. I already had one and in an hour I'm on the road to catch a 5:40 coaching with Will Luxion...who by the way is kick ass. He's helped me a bunch.

I'm so ready and yet so not ready for tomorrow.

KICK the tires and LIGHT the fires baby...this weekend is gonna be a rough one!

Thursday, December 16, 2004


You all got served.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Well as I can tell from my last entry only 5 people read my blog. Is that true...guess i'm gonna have to quit bloggin....

and so concludes this blog...thank you Joe for sharing all those good and even bad times with us. The laughter as well as the tears have brought us all just a step closer to understanding why you're so screwed up. And for that we love you. Good bye Joe but more importantly good bye Joe's Blog. It was really you we all really cared for anyway...not Joe.

With Love,
Readers like you ;-)

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Crystals GOOD BYE!

Yep last night of crystals. Everything turned out great. I wonder what crystals will be like next year with everyone who is leaving.

Like my new template? yes or no.

Saturday, December 11, 2004


day one in the books.

Tonight all musically inclined students at OHS performed in the crystals concert. It was pretty phucked up. I'm only in commotion for the whole show so I sit around till the end of the show sing and dance a little and then run off stage shuddering at how horrible we did. No not really. Although the first performance tonight out of the two we totally screwed up the beginning of our sone. We came in late because we couldn't hear the 1,2,3,4 that Tieri apparently shouted...not. So we all look like the fool up on stage but despite that kept the grin on and acted like nothing happened...HA...fools

NO speech for me tomorrow. Sorry all I told eveyone that I was gonna go along even though I didn't have to perform but I got home tonight and was like....SLEEEEEP....I could use some of that so yeah screw you all. I'll bring two cakes next week to make up.

Wish us all luck Sunday when we preform our second night of crystals!

Peace, Love, and Multiple Orgasms to all

Monday, December 06, 2004

Speech meet drag

Yeah so last saturday was the first speech meet of the season at Neuqua Valley high. I got about 3 hours of sleep almost missed the bus and arrived at the school where the meet was to be held. My partner (Mike Leali) and myself went to all three of ours rounds, performed, and felt very confident about our performances. And still I haven't broken yet. we got two 3's and a 5. I'm still satisfied though. Next week we'll take em to town.

YEEEF, I still need to finish writing my OC. I won't perform OC this week but next week the 18th I think. I really feel bad about not being ready to perform for OC but I really need more time.

What ever happened to getting sleep?

This week...

Friday - Commotion crystals concert (and octet if that pulls through)

Friday night - very little to no sleep

Saturday - Speech meet all day, probably in a stoned state of being

Sunday - Phuck church I'm sleeping in till Commotion later that evening

Yep other than that I think I've successfully become a pseudo-insomniac. I'm actually getting used to the little sleep I've been getting. I even find it challenging to see how well I can operate with little sleep. Like a test of endurence.

HA...who ever said you need 8 hours of sleep can suck a nut.

Listen to Ray Charles

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Speech meet numero uno es aqui!

This saturday My partner Mike Leali and myself will be performing our HDA! It's a great duet and we've polished the humor pretty well for our first meet. We will definately be taking more than just our balls to this speech meet. I'm super excited. If you're going just to watch this weekend make it a goal of yours to watch our scene.


what else is there to talk about.


meh dorky routine funny to watch us do but a heartwarming tune.


...Diana said it best on her latest post...School is school.

well that's pretty much it folks. I'm sorry... next time I promise I'll think outside the Bachs....(buh dum chh)

anyone wanna sell to me a old record player I sure want to buy it from you!!! post me if you want to take up on this deal...

Peace in the mid east.